Our Mission
To practice responsible land stewardship by promoting, facilitating, and managing property to create and support ecologically diverse native landscapes.
native garden design, installation, and maintenance
native meadow installations
tree and shrub planting
invasive species management
Inspired by our research about soil health, carbon sequestration, and other climate-change related concerns, we view this work as vital to restoring and maintaining the well-being of our lands.
New England Aster (Symphyotrichum novae-angliae) pictured above
Our focus is on converting lawns and otherwise barren spaces into native meadows and wooded areas utilizing native trees, shrubs, plants, and grasses. This will provide critical habitat for birds and pollinators, improve soil health and sequester carbon, prevent erosion, and improve water quality.
If you are planning a landscape installation, consider one that supports our local ecology.
Invasive Species Control
Invasive species are any species that are non-native and harm the local ecosystem. They crowd out and can kill important tree species that provide shade, carbon storage and habitat for native wildlife. In order for Ecological landscapes to be successful, invasive species removal and management is necessary. Our take on managing invasive species will is through non-chemical, manual & mechanical removal. Because of the aggressive nature of invasive plants, it is unlikely that one treatment will completely eradicate a population.
Native Trees & Shrubs
Native plants are those that occur naturally in a region in which they evolved. They are the ecological basis upon which life depends, including wildlife and people. Without them and the insects that co-evolved with them, local wildlife cannot survive. By removing non-native, invasive species and replacing them with native material, we can encourage healthy ecosystems in our own environment and mitigate damage to native ecosystems.
Native Meadows
Meadows provide many important ecosystem services, such as water infiltration, nutrient cycling, carbon storage, soil and nutrient recycling, and creating a biodiverse community for flora and fauna. Meadows comprise of mostly native grasses (40% to 60% cover) with a mix herbaceous plants. By establishing these in a dense and diverse planting, property owners can enjoy the beauty of seasonal and yearly succession while experiencing a renewed connection with nature. If done properly, once these installations are established they will have minimal maintenance requirements going forward.
Thank you for such a beautiful & meticulous job as usual. Sara, Jan, and Brian are a great crew!